42 42 Semper’s ability to influence sustainable development Significance for Semper’s stakeholders 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 Our most important stakeholders are described in the table on the next page. With stakeholders we refer to the groups who are a“ected by our operations and who influence us. We continuously pursue an open dialogue with our stakeholders. Their opinions on what they consider to be the most important issues, helps us to form decisions and develop our sustainability work. From analysis of Semper's value chain, and through an external analysis of global guidelines, we identified important areas within sustainability that are most relevant for us to work with. By sending surveys and conducting interviews with our stakeholders, and carrying out document and report analyses, we have had the opportunity to identify important areas of sustainability and prioritise the most relevant sustainability issues to work on. During our work with this materiality analysis, we also considered GRI's reporting guidelines. The materiality analysis is updated every year. In 2022 the update was conducted via the methods indicated by a star. Current sustainability issues can be di“erent for di“erent stakeholders. The three most important sustainability issues are shown in the table, and in the graph below, you can find a representation of Semper’s impact on these issues and the importance of the issues for our stakeholders. OUR MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Our stakeholders’ opinions are important to us, and help us to develop our sustainability work. Sustainable value chain Food quality, safety and nutrition Energy and water efficiency Packaging Climate Sustainable products Business ethics Work environment (safety, diversity, equity) Environmentally friendly transport Waste (food waste, recycling)