VÅR KULL FÖDD 2022 NAMN KÖN FAR MOR MORFAR Make Sense (US) h Walner Common Sense Trixton Allwise h Chapter Seven Rare Wise As Varenne Bright Destiny h Chapter Seven Etta Am Muscle Hill Cabello (US) h Muscle Hill Senorita Rita Chapter Seven All the Magic (US) h Gimpanzee Magical Lady Kadabra Lale (FR) h Bold Eagle Evangeline Face Texas Charm Golden Tactic (US) h Tactical Landing Goldavila Love You Betson (US) h Chapter Seven Side Bet Hanover Donato Hanover Bourbon Hill h Face Time Bourbon Absurd Muscle Hill Eol h Walner Unika Wind Muscle Hill Illuminato h Ready Cash Moonlight Kronos Viking Kronos Perfect Chest h Perfect Spirit Cedar Chest Muscle Hill Gimmee h Gimpanzee Mimiro Bold Eagle Urban Profile h Perfect Spirit Hipster Cantab Hall Perfect Dream h Perfect Spirit Haiti Dream Love You Gangsta Talk (US) h Chapter Seven Gangsta Rat Muscle Hill NAMN KÖN FAR MOR MORFAR Seven Curtsies (US) s Chapter Seven Curtsy Hanover Cantab Hall True Identity s Muscle Mass Nagamori Hall Cantab Hall Stuffed s Propulsion Aleppo Pine Maharajah Lacoste s Face Time Bourbon Ti Punch Broline Muscle Massive Artistic Spirit s Perfect Spirit Ellerie Hanover Cantab Hall Landing Light s Tactical Landing Flash Am Lavec Kronos Gabor s Face Time Bourbon Zsa Zsa Kronos Muscle Hill Last Word s Walner Vida Loca Bi Ganymede White Spirit s Perfect Spirit Slim White Hanover Muscle Hill Coktail Spirit s Perfect Spirit Girly Cocktail Muscle Hill Beautiful Sight (US) s Chapter Seven Beautiful Sin Muscle Hill Bright Spirit s Perfect Spirit Bright Eyes Muscle Hill Paceonearth s Muscle Hill Dibaba Ready Cash Inside Out s Walner Heal the World Muscle Hill Cheenaga s Gimpanzee Naga Morich Enjoy Lavec Babish s Perfect Spirit Deepdish Muscle Hill Caprice s Perfect Spirit Southwind Avanti Muscle Hill Magnus Rundgren 0705-68 65 11, magnus.rundgren@srfstable.com Välkommen till www.srfstable.com och läs biografierna om våra fina avelsston! presenterar