AUKTIONSÅRET 2024 60 | SULKYSPORT ÅRSREVYN 2025 >> Alla ettåringar som såldes på svenska auktioner – hingst för hingst: Häst Kön Mor Pris (kr) Köpare ATTRAVERSIAMO* (2) – 240.000/120.000 Kentucky Buck hingst Ellie Brodda 170.000 Stall KWM Ray Donovan hingst Sofine Cash 70.000 Hypnotic AB BAR HOPPING (9) – 7.060.000/784.444 Talisman Zon hingst Diaz Boko 2.500.000 Olof Brodin Chartering AB Prince K.T.F. hingst Fesniere 1.500.000 Terje Floor Heggeland Guilia Barosso sto Ursel Gio 800.000 Johan Untersteiner Napoleon Journey hingst Familia 700.000 Team Walmann Viking Tile hingst Trina 420.000 Hjelte Restaurang AB I.D. Justice hingst Lindy Gaga 400.000 Hypnotic AB Next Level Mearas hingst Inmistakable 400.000 Stall KWM Veteran Tile hingst Archidamia 190.000 Skogqvist Olje & Transport AB Free Drink hingst Filippa Hall 150.000 Stall Christian Månsson AB BIRD PARKER (4) – 630.000/157.500 Reber Boko hingst Meryem K. Boko 170.000 Fredrik Månsson Wingu sto Dodoma 160.000 Stall KWM Pure Phoenix sto Fleur Mearas 150.000 Powerladies KB Wangari hingst Nanetta Hill 150.000 Stall KWM BOLD EAGLE (13) – 1.620.000/124.615 Dreamlike Jog sto Divine Kronos 280.000 Dion P. Tesselaar Nightwish Sisu sto Lima Playmate 230.000 Maria Rutqvist Bear Maui hingst Princess of Aloha 160.000 Marcus Ivarsson Eskil hingst Annicka 160.000 Stall Zet M.T. Willie hingst M.T. Incredible 140.000 Sundbyholms Fjärrtransporter AB Otto the Eagle hingst Quila Tilly 140.000 Stefan Karlsson R.K. Louts sto Boiling Point 120.000 B.S. Stables AB M.T. Wilhelmina sto Fayette Mall 100.000 TM Travinvest HB Rufous Boko sto Donna Mearas 90.000 OKB Stable AB No Limit Victory hingst Victory Dreams 80.000 Kenneth Haugstad Al’s Inheritrix sto Up In the Trees 40.000 Vinnarcirkeln AB Amore Pele hingst Xenial Xerus 40.000 Thomas Madsen Nordic Diamond sto Prinsessa 40.000 Alms Hovslageri AB BRILLATISSIME (5) – 670.000/134.000 Firebolt hingst Trelanney 260.000 Peter G Norman Royaute Boko sto Havefunwithme 230.000 Tord Guteberg Nightingale Sisu sto Counsellor Ås 90.000 PS Horse AB Pure Mikalona sto Nolita Ur 60.000 Fredrik Wallin Wheels sto Best Love 30.000 Catharina Berndtsson CALGARY GAMES* (49) – 12.255.000/250.000 Ilsken hingst Argbiggan 850.000 Travkompaniets Stall AB Velvet Tile hingst Riveting Rosie 775.000 Anonym köpare Jazzy Jog sto Glory Mearas 750.000 Carpe Diem Stable Pitch Invasion hingst Swiss Account 750.000 Töreboda Horses & Business HB Forum Romanum hingst Heaven Mearas 600.000 Tradecity AB Playithot hingst Toohotforyou 550.000 Joakim Lövgren Vince Wynn hingst Wow N.O. 550.000 Joakim Lövgren Remis Boko hingst Imilie Boko 500.000 Stall Sofo Revin Boko sto Hevin Boko 460.000 Hanell Rail AB Fifty Sixty Sox hingst Moni Sox 450.000 Gerrits Recycling Gmbh Seventh Avenue sto Spoil Me 400.000 H.S. Trav AB Exquisite Scotch sto Blended Scotch 360.000 Jonil AB Use Your Illusion sto You Could Be Mine 360.000 Alessandro Gocciadoro Apogee sto Seveyond 320.000 Stall Timo Nurmos AB Napoleon Sisu hingst Roxa Sisu 320.000 OJA Racing AB Millie’s Games hingst Millie Millionaire 300.000 Joakim Lövgren The Olympian sto Your Love Story 250.000 Björn Goop Cal the Pal hingst Elsa Mearas 200.000 Ola Samuelsson Nadal Silver hingst Hossiana Boko 200.000 Jörgen Westholm Po Tay Toes hingst Volontary Simplcty 200.000 Hypnotic AB Joyride Jog sto Overtop Kronos 190.000 Nieminen Stable Oy Carl Rapid hingst Blasee di Poggio 190.000 Timo Nurmos AB Bravo Daydream hingst Cilla Sisu 180.000 Stall KWM Cuha hingst High of Love 170.000 Kevin Oscarsson Cochran hingst Interlace 150.000 Sven-Åke Eriksson Ametist Trot sto Gaagaa Gone 140.000 Anonym köpare Nellie Mearas sto Babsan Kronos 140.000 Stall Fredrik Wallin Milano hingst Love Sock 130.000 Hans Bodevind Name of the Game hingst Dreamgirl Mearas 130.000 Gustav Johansson Racing AB Reet Petite Boko sto Diamondstone US 130.000 James Ekbladh Ibra the Bushman hingst Calgary Games 120.000 Jerry Rodin AB Icy Conditions sto Rules of the Road 120.000 Tord Gutenberg Imberbis sto Pantholops 120.000 Skärgården Ambulans AB Bon Voyage Sox sto Carla d’Eronville 110.000 Koskela Stable Ismenis sto Undine 110.000 Fernlunds Travservice AB January sto Hickomadamerouge 110.000 Alessandro Gocciadoro Double Wine sto Winner’s Rose 100.000 Rodin & Partner AB Pagani sto Corona Brick 100.000 OKB Stable AB In For A Win sto Target Hoss 90.000 Stall Timo Nurmos AB Inside Edge sto Midnight Victory 80.000 Establo Victor AB Pierina sto Carmencita 80.000 Mikael Elström Henry Wynn hingst Princess Corner 70.000 Staro International Van Gennip Sox sto Top Notch Pellini 70.000 Kilavet Oy Staro Uber hingst Livi Nike H.M. 60.000 Stall Invictus Light the Flame hingst Gliding Light 50.000 Stall Erik Lindegren Ottens Nasdaq hingst Laugh At My Face 50.000 Stall KWM Betting Gold sto Betting Eagle 40.000 Stall Fredrik Wallin AB Canadian Dream sto Up New Moon 40.000 Jimmi Ehlers Nowornever Mearas sto Arvie Hanover 40.000 Stall KWM CALL ME KEEPER (1) – 80.000/80.000 Primadonna River sto Global C’est Moi 80.000 Stall KWM CAMPO BAHIA (8) – 905.000/113.125 Champion hingst Campanet 340.000 Travkompaniets Stall AB Itwasmyfirsttime hingst Virgin Maiden 250.000 Conrad Lugauer AB I’m A Chaperon hingst Au Pair Girl 120.000 Travkompaniets Stall AB AVELSHINGSTARNAS SNITT >> Avelshingstarnas snitt på svenska ettåringsauktioner 2024: Namn Far Antal Totalt Snitt Chapter Seven Windsong’s Legacy 2 5.450.000 2.725.000 Muscle Hill Muscles Yankee 4 5.750.000 1.437.500 Walner Chapter Seven 7 9.325.000 1.332.143 Ready Cash Indy de Vive 3 3.850.000 1.283.333 Gimpanzee Chapter Seven 5 4.590.000 918.000 Bar Hopping Muscle Hill 9 7.060.000 784.444 Face Time Bourbon Ready Cash 16 10.100.000 631.250 Tactical Landing Muscle Hill 14 7.610.000 543.571 Chelsea Boko Chocolatier 1 375.000 375.000 Readly Express Ready Cash 47 13.645.000 290.319 Love You Coktail Jet 3 870.000 290.000 Calgary Games* Readly Express 49 12.255.000 250.000 Robert Bi Toss Out 2 500.000 250.000 Don Fanucci Zet Hard Livin 17 4.210.000 247.647 Captain Corey* Googoo Gaagaa 14 3.210.000 229.286 Greenshoe Father Patrick 12 2.730.000 227.500 Six Pack Muscle Mass 4 840.000 210.000 Wishing Stone Conway Hall 1 210.000 210.000 Fourth Dimension Chapter Seven 7 1.385.000 197.857 Father Patrick Cantab Hall 26 5.040.000 193.486 Maharajah Viking Kronos 45 8.600.000 191.111 Kadabra Primrose Lane 1 190.000 190.000 Southwind Frank Muscle Hill 5 890.000 178.000 Googoo Gaagaa Cam’s Rocket 32 5.085.000 158.906 Nuncio Andover Hall 31 4.900.000 158.064 Bird Parker Ready Cash 4 630.000 157.500 Victor Gio Ready Cash 2 310.000 155.000 Propulsion Muscle Hill 1 140.000 140.000 Raja Mirchi Viking Kronos 4 555.000 138.750 Brillantissime Ready Cash 5 670.000 134.000 Hohneck Royal Dream 7 900.000 128.571 Django Riff Ready Cash 5 640.000 128.000 Green Manalishi Muscle Hill 5 635.000 127.000 Cruzado Dela Noche Muscle Massive 4 500.000 125.000 Orlando Vici Quadrophenio 4 500.000 125.000 Bold Eagle Ready Cash 13 1.620.000 124.615 Attraversiamo* Kiss Francis 2 240.000 120.000 Hard Livin S.J.’s Caviar 1 120.000 120.000 Campo Bahia Muscle Hill 8 905.000 113.125 Fabulous Wood Ready Cash 7 770.000 110.000 Creatine Andover Hall 1 100.000 100.000 Trixton Muscle Hill 4 370.000 92.500 In Range* Bar Hopping 2 180.000 90.000 Twister Bi Varenne 1 90.000 90.000 Very Kronos* Ready Cash 3 245.000 81.667 Önas Prince* Chocolatier 5 405.000 81.000 Call Me Keeper Pine Chip 1 80.000 80.000 From Above Zoot Suit 4 400.000 80.000 Italiano Vero* Ready Cash 1 80.000 80.000 Mosaique Face Classic Photo 10 725.000 72.500 Perfect Spirit Andover Hall 2 140.000 70.000 Varenne Waikiki Beach 1 70.000 70.000 Power Googoo Gaagaa 10 655.000 65.500 Centurion A.T.M. S.J.’s Caviar 1 60.000 60.000 Infinitif Pine Chip 1 60.000 60.000 Tae Kwon Deo Muscle Hill 1 60.000 60.000 Gotland Ready Cash 2 110.000 55.000 Make It Happen Conway Hall 2 110.000 55.000 International Moni Love You 4 210.000 52.500 Who’s Who Maharajah 12 630.000 52.500 Helgafell Charly du Noyer 2 100.000 50.000 Zola Boko Goetmals Wood 1 50.000 50.000 S.J.’s Caviar S.J.’s Photo 10 485.000 48.500 Explosive Matter Cantab Hall 2 90.000 45.000 Chocolatier Credit Winner 1 40.000 40.000 Earl Simon Prodigious 1 40.000 40.000 King City Muscle Hill 1 40.000 40.000 Panne de Moteur Credit Winner 1 40.000 40.000 Villiam Muscle Hill 1 40.000 40.000 Uncle Lasse Donato Hanover 3 110.000 36.667 Sauveur Echo 1 35.000 35.000 Credit Winner Armbro Goal 1 30.000 30.000 Mister Hercules* Trixton 1 30.000 30.000 Donato Hanover Andover Hall 2 55.000 27.500 Day Or Night In Muscle Hill 1 25.000 25.000 Express Bourbon Ready Cash 2 50.000 25.000 Mister J.P. Taurus Dream 1 25.000 25.000 Spartan Kronos Muscle Hill 1 25.000 25.000 Fotnot: *första kullen !