Stilo Promotion - 2025

70 STRETCHY | 460 KLEMMY | 461 45x18 460-000 white STRETCHY Giving a gift like exercise equipment immediately communicates that you care about the recipient. Regardless of whether your routine consists of strength training, stretching or rehab routines, our easy-to-use ”Stretchy” training tool is the perfect companion, and you can easily take it with you wherever you go. With regular use of Stretchy, you keep yourself and your muscles in peak condition. 30x10 30x10 461-001 black KLEMMY The ”Klemmy” hand strengthener – an easy tool to take with you wherever you go. With regular use, you keep yourself and your muscles in shape. Klemmy lets you easily strengthen your hands, partly to prevent decline but also as a rehab tool. Klemmy has a resistance of approx. 21kg and offers good surfaces for your logo.