40 Biodiversity Healthy ecosystems fulfill an important function on our planet. Through, among others, large-scale agriculture, urbanization and chemical use, humanity has put great pressure on ecosystems. Scientific research shows that global warming and threatened biodiversity are closely linked and influence each other. In order to meet the earth's needs, we humans now need to protect biodiversity while at the same time fighting climate change. Semper is committed to biodiversity through the following projects. Knowledge and engagement Hero group launched the bee careful® initiative a few years ago – an initiative to increase understanding and knowledge of the collapse of the bee population. Honeybees have become a symbol of the vulnerability of nature and also agriculture, and through various projects bee careful® has contributed to the realisation that bees and other insects have a critical function in many ecosystems. Semper joined bee careful® in 2021 and has in 2022 continued to engage in projects described on this page. Sunflower seeds were sent out to all employees in the Nordics along with an information letter about the importance of pollinators to our ecosystems. Planting sunflowers also enabled a socially symbolic act for our employees at a time when many wanted to show their support and concern. Götene and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Our facility in Götene is located in a biosphere area where we contribute to building one of the world's model areas for sustainable development. This means that there is an effort to protect and preserve biological diversity and promote a healthy ecosystem. Semper is a member of the UNESCO biosphere reserve Vänerskärgården and Kinnekulle, which is one of only seven biosphere reserves in Sweden. Together with the municipality of Götene and the biosphere association, in 2022 we have started the project "Semper's biosphere trail", where a walking and cycling path next to our factory will be given new life with, among other things, pollinator-friendly planting and information signs. The purpose of the project is to make the importance of biological diversity visible so that people who live and work in Götene can experience and understand ecosystem services in an easily accessible way. Preparatory work has started and we expect to break ground in 2023. Cereals that benefit biodiversity Semper has partnered with Lantmännen. Their program for sustainable grain cultivation, Climate & Nature, includes several measures that favor biodiversity. For example, pollinator-friendly flowers are grown around the fields, pesticide use is reduced with the help of heat-treated seed, and there are open unsown areas in the fields that favor the threatened skylark. You can read more about the program in the "Our raw materials" section.