33 Research on more vegetables and fruit for young children We naturally follow the ongoing discussions about sustainability and work according to the motto that what we develop should be good for people and good for the planet. We are inspired by the EAT-Lancet report and it is our opinion that if you wish to see a change in the dietary pattern of adults, it must already be reflected in the first foods for the little ones. Semper therefore participates in a randomised research study with 250 children in two groups, called OTIS (which stands for optimised supplementary diet study), at the Children's Clinic research unit at Umeå University. The results show that the children who received a systematic introduction of vegetables and fruit ate significantly more of these at 9, 12 and 18 months. They also had a significantly lower protein intake, which was demonstrated through analysis of urea in blood samples. The children in both groups showed fully satisfactory growth and development. Most gratifying is that the results show that a more sustainable diet can be provided already at the introduction of solid food. In order to continue to follow the children’s development, we decided during the year to examine the children also at the age of 6.5 years. Future results will be presented as appropriate at international pediatric and nutrition congresses. Healthy food for children and the planet As a result of the OTIS study, we have already launched a range of new foods that contain more vegetables as well as meals with a mixture of vegetable and animal protein. There are also foods where the taste of legumes is more noticeable to broaden future food preferences. Also during 2022, less sweet porridge in a pouch was launched. Based on the research study, Semper has developed a practical method called the STEP method. STEP stands for Sustainable Taste Eating Program. It is available for free in an app and provides educational guidance on how to system- atically introduce vegetables, fruits and berries over a 24-day period. In the past year, it was downloaded more than 18,000 times in the Nordics. There has been a great demand from parents for advice and recommendations for the continued path forward after the first introduction of foods. Therefore, we have expanded the material on our website with new STEP recipes and additional information about the research study for a continued sustainable taste journey. Recipes are available for children from 6, 8 and 12 months of age and they are all nutritionally calculated, rich in vegetables and root vegetables and contain legumes which, in addition to good taste, contribute with protein. In this way, we want to actively contribute to eating habits that build the foundation for a healthy diet in life, and a more sustainable food production that is better for our planet.