27 As our raw materials and products have a limited shelf life, transport from our facilities must be relatively fast. That is why we use truck transport. However, the logistics department regularly invest- igates alternative modes of transport. For example, we transport our baby food in jars and pouches, which are produced in Spain, mainly by train and boat. Flights are never used as a transport option. Continuous transport optimization The most eective way to reduce emissions from our distribution is, of course, to reduce the number of transports. Therefore, it is very important for us to optimise loads. Our goods are on pallets that can either be placed alone on the floor of the truck or double stacked on top of each other. By double stacking, where possible, the number of transports is halved. We keep that in mind when we launch new products and we also review the possibility of updating existing products so that they can utilise the maximum permitted height of trucks and warehouses. In 2022, in collaboration with one of our largest customers, we were able to increase the number of cartons per pallet on a number of best-selling items, which has led to more ecient transport. The carriers we work with have a strong focus on high filling rates and if we don't fill an entire car ourselves, our goods are combined with other customers' goods. We constantly monitor weather conditions to ensure that we do not use thermal cars unnecessarily. With this, we reduce both transport costs and negative environ- mental impact. By taking into account the number of cartons of a product per layer and per full pallet, transport of customer orders can be made even more ecient. In addition, the risk of food waste in our warehouse is reduced. Therefore, we are currently looking at order patterns together with our customers to see if these can be further improved. Our eciency improvements and our transport partners' work to develop more accurate calculation methods explain the reduction in emissions between 2021 and 2022. Travel In 2022, we updated our travel policy, with the goal of reducing our travel emissions by 50 % compared to 2019. In 2019, business travel accounted for approximately 1 % of our total climate impact. During the pandemic we have seen that we can work eectively with the help of digital meetings and want to foster a corporate culture where the necessity of a trip is evaluated and also the alternative means of transportation that are available for a trip. In 2022, we reduced our climate emissions from flights, trains and hotel stays by 57 %, and we continue with the same goal in 2023. Our company cars, which are used for customer and store visits, are plug-in hybrid cars from 2020. THE YEAR IN NUMBERS Carbon emissions from transports to our Nordic customers. Emissions from travelling (ton CO2e) 1071 tonnes CO2e 1391 tonnes CO2e 2020 2021 TRANSPORTs By optimising our transports, we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. 1116 tonnes CO2e 2022 2019 2022 250 200 150 100 50 0 227 98 Target: 50 % reduction