26 Waste We are proactive in our effort to reduce waste. The technology to make use of the valuable properties of waste and food waste is developing continuously and we are always looking for opportunities to take part in the development. A part of our crisp bread crumbs is recycled by a high-tech biorefinery into three useful products; ethanol fuel, protein feed for cows and CO2 for beverage production. Biogas is produced from liquid product residue and waste that cannot be used for animal or insect feed. Raw material packaging made of plastic, metal and corrugated cardboard is also recycled. RECYCLE It is most important to minimise the amount of waste, to reduce our environmental impact and optimise the use of our resources. Our most important tools for minimizing waste and food waste in production and warehouse are training and process improvement. In 2022, we have decided to label our gluten-free products with information that encourages the consumer to look, smell and taste products that have passed the best before date, as our senses are good tools for judging whether a product is still good to eat. In this way, we want to contribute to reduced food waste even after the products have left our warehouse. You can read more about this initiative in the "Our products" section of this report. We continue our proactive work with customers who can distribute products with a short remaining shelf life. Furthermore, we also donate food to charity, including the Food Mission, Stockholm City Mission, Danish Venligboerne, the Norwegian Fattighuset and the Finnish Operaatio ruokakassi. REDUCE The largest part of the factory's food waste goes to companies that make animal feed from it. Focus in the Korsnäs bakery has been to find more sustainable destinations for the product waste that occurs. For example, crisp bread crumbs are used as feed at a new insect farm in the region. The insects can then form the protein source in, for example, fish feed. Also, in order to find more sustainable ways to use crispbread that tastes as good as ever but does not meet our quality requirements in terms of shape and appearance, a successful pilot sale of product with minor quality defects was also completed. REUSE It is important to us that no waste is disposed of in landfills. The residual waste that we could not avoid, reuse or recycle goes to an incineration plant with energy recovery. The energy is mostly used as heat. Our goal is that no food waste should go to incineration. ENERGY RECOVERY The waste in our facilities mainly consists of raw material packaging that is sorted into di“erent fractions, and of product waste that is recycled as animal feed or biogas. In production, wastage mainly occurs at the start and end of a manufacturing cycle, when product does not have the absolute quality required to proceed to packaging. In our warehouse, waste can occur when the product has too little time left until the best before date, or when a package breaks during transport or handling. We work in several ways to avoid and minimise waste.