25 Our facility in Götene is our most water-demanding facility and we have two water sources: about two-thirds is municipal water from Lake Vänern (62 %) and the rest comes from our own water source, the Västerby spring. Water availability is a central issue for us that is continuously evaluated and developed. We work to limit our water consumption for both environmental and financial reasons. Water is used in our recipes as well as in cleaning and production processes. Similar to our energy consumption, we also see an increase in water consumption per ton of product produced in Götene, due to fluctuations in the production volume which entails a relatively longer start-up and shutdown time where water is used in the process. Our bakery in Korsnäs has a less intensive water consumption. Water is used mainly in the dough, and a small proportion in cleaning processes. Sustainable management of water Semper and our neighbor Arla in Götene share an environmental permit in which discharge rights for waste water are specified. These limit how much wastewater we can send to the municipal treatment plant and how polluted it can be. Contamination in the form of product residue and cleaning agents causes changes in, among other things, the acidity of the water, which can disrupt the treatment plant's processes. Also, an irregular flow of the water can hinder the e†ciency of the purification. During 2022, we have worked to equalise our wastewater flows by bu“ering waste water in intermediate storage tanks and releasing it gradually. This enables a more e†cient handling of the waste water in the treatment plant. Liquid product residues are separated out and collected by an external company that makes biogas from them. We reduce the proportion of water that goes to the water treatment plant by directing condensation water to a wetland. Rainwater is also led there. In the wetland, the water undergoes natural, microbiological purification so that it can then be sent on to the Götene river. Water All water that comes in contact with food products, must be of drinking water-quality. THE YEAR IN NUMBERS Korsnäs production plant 1.31 9.2 1.33 10.5 Water (m3)/produced tonne Götene production plant Water (m3)/produced tonne 2020 2020 2021 2021 The numbers below refer to the water consumption within our production. 1.32 2022 11.9 2022