21 100% recyclable packaging Our packaging materials protect our products. Food packaging has many dierent functions. For us, it is important that the packaging has properties that protect the contents to ensure quality and safety, as well as reduce the risk of food waste. It is also important to us that the packaging can be recycled in industrial recycling facilities. Plastic is the material that is currently our biggest challenge, as layers of dierent types of plastic are often needed to create a material that protects the product against, for example, oxidation processes. A combination of dierent plastics unfortunately makes it more dicult to recycle the packaging. During the year, we improved the recycling instructions on several packages to make it easier for the consumer to sort correctly. It is also important for us to use as much recycled material as possible in our packaging. Our suppliers continuously review the availability of recycled paper fibers, glass, metal and plastic of the quality suitable for food packaging. Our goal is to use at least 50 % recycled material in our packaging by 2025. The first segment in the diagram below shows the percentage of packaging in Semper's range with high recyclability, such as glass, metal and cardboard. In the second, there are products that are packaged in, for example, a combination of paper and plastic, such as our packaging for ready-to-drink products. The products in the third category are products in complex plastic packaging. These have our full attention as they are currently more dicult to recycle. We collaborate in several projects with packaging manufacturers and machine experts to find and test suitable materials in order to reach 100 % recyclable packaging by 2025. Completely recyclable packaging Partially recyclable packaging Not yet recyclable packaging 36 % 39 % 25 %