Life Cycle Assessment With the aid of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) we have calculated the amount of greenhouse gases that are being emitted along our value chain. Emissions from Semper's prod- uction and o†ces as well as from the value chain, including the purchase of raw materials and transport, amount to 85,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) in 2021*. Greenhouse gas emissions from products in our range that are produced by sister companies within the Hero group have not been included in Semper's emissions, as these are within the respective company's LCA results. Correspondingly, greenhouse gas emissions are included in Semper's results from the milk-based products that we manufacture for various sister companies. Emissions from energy It is important that we take responsibility for reducing emissions that are caused directly and indirectly by energy consumption in our production facilities, the so-called Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. We expect to be able to further reduce energy consumption with the help of measures that improve e†ciency and with new technology, and we will look at suitable opportunities to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions that we cannot reduce. We will also continue to use only renewable energy sources. Emissions in the value chain Our emissions in the value chain, which are called Scope 3 emissions, include the purchase of raw materials and packaging materials, distribution, waste and re- cycling. The life cycle analysis shows that the largest part of greenhouse gas emissions occurs early in our value chain: 79 % comes from the cultivation and production of raw materials as well as from purchased packaging and products. Globally, agriculture accounts for about a quarter of total greenhouse gas emissions, and since Semper manufactures food, it is logical that a large part of our climate impact is caused by our raw materials and products. Lowering our Scope 3 emissions is a complex issue that requires a long-term plan, where supplier collaborations and product development with planetary health in focus are obvious parts. You can read about our commitments in the sections "Our raw materials" and "Our products". *In order to be able to measure our results, it is important that the large amount of data included in the LCA calculation is transparent and easy to update. Therefore, in 2022, the Hero group has chosen to implement a new tool. At the time this report is written, the result for 2022 has not been calculated in the new tool, therefore we choose to show 2021's result. 17 Purchased products 18 % Consumer use and storage 5 % Distribution 13 % Employees (offices, travel) 1 % Production 1 % Packaging 8 % Purchased raw materials 53 % Waste and recycling 1 % Semper’s emissions 2021*: 85 000 ton CO2e